4 Ways To Make Your Lunch More Sustainable

If you’re stuck for lunchtime inspiration the Styleware Journal has dozens of recipes to get you started, with new ideas from our test kitchen published monthly.

2. The Right Tools
Picking the right accoutrements is everything when it comes to lunch; you want reliable, air-tight containers that you can throw in your bag and go. No spillage, no leaking, and no mess.
Our lightweight Nesting Bowls are perfect accompaniments for such a task, and with multiple sizing options (x-small to large) you can: a) prepare any size meal and b) stack the bowls inside one another when you’re done to make home time that much easier.
It’s always a good idea to keep a couple of containers at work too should you skip step one and find yourself buying lunch. With a Nesting Bowl or two on hand, you can get the local salad place to drop your order in your own container (saves on their one-use packaging) or you'll be perfectly equipped to take home that last slice of office cake.

3. Seasonal fruit and vegetables, please
Choosing to eat seasonally is not only a great way to make your lunches more sustainable, as in-season fruit and veges are generally at peak supply and take less resources to get from farm to plate. Better yet, eating seasonally is usually the cheaper option and a great way to mix up what’s on your plate and get a better cross section of nutrients daily.

4. Got Scraps?
Lastly, once you’ve finished lunch if there’s any leftovers (hello: crusts and apple cores) pack everything back up into your container and take it home with you to compost.
This will help reduce your waste but also pull carbon out of the atmosphere. It’s a small step but oh so easy and impactful.